29 August 2012 Journal Page

This is the last page with art on it in the journal that I started after my Dad died. I have a few other things that were in this book to share with you and I'll do that tomorrow. It got to the point in this book where it was too heavy and too much (towards the end) and I was happy to move onto another journal. I'll still be doing journal pages about my Dad (in whatever book I'm working on at the time.) I may also incorporate some of the paper treasures that I've saved.

The only journal that I've had a hard time going back to was my daily journal which I had started at the end of January. The last entry was June 8th. I had been writing daily and adding little bits like ticket stubs, postcards, collages, etc... Ever since then I've had a hard time picking it up to work in it. I'm trying to be very gentle with myself and at this point, I'm not sure if I'll go back to it. There are some things that I would like to add but I'm trying to figure out a way to look back on the past few months without pages of sadness and writing out things I've written elsewhere. I'll figure something out eventually. I may just end up creating several small collages and use my art to speak for me.


Beautiful. I like the "gentle to yourself" part too. Moment to moment, Kelly.
Carol said…
I admire your courage Kelly. Hang in there. Expressing your feelings thru art should prove to be very healing for you.
Murphy's Mom said…
Yes, please be gentle with yourself. We journal for our health and pleasure.