26 August 2012 Journal Page

 Busy! Busy! Prepping like a loon for this weekend and next weekend's classes. 

I made a few quick changes to my blog. I hope that it makes it easier navigate the blog. I removed formspring so folks can email me directly if they have a question or leave a question in the comments section and I'll respond there (remember to check back if I don't have your email or a way to contact you.) One day I would like to work my way through my posts and add labels to some of them to make them easier to find. There's always something to do!

Hope your week is going well!


Kelly, this page is so very beautiful..it made me take a deep breath. Wow. I love how your pages evoke such feeling...and that you share. Moment to moment... K
Tricia said…
Cant wait for the Stampin from the Heart tribe to reunite....Its been too long. See you sunday :)