Another Dad Story

Many moons ago (I was a teen) when we were living at 152 Beale Street in Wollaston, MA, I was in Dad's car and he was pulling into our driveway. As he started to swing the car around into the driveway (turn signal was on), this asshole comes speeding from out of nowhere and decides to attempt to pass us on the right. Did I mention that we were turning into our driveway which meant turning RIGHT to get into it? He almost hits us. As he speeds around us, he lays on his horn and flips off my Dad (who again, was legally taking a right into his own driveway. This guy was totally in the wrong.)

Dad says, "Hold on."

He quickly goes from pulling into our driveway into full blown Man on a Mission Mode. He flips his siren on and chases after the guy. Dad pulls the guy over on the corner of Beale St and Newport Ave. Dad goes over to the guy's car with a seriously pissed off look on his face and proceeds to read the guy the riot act for a few minutes. Dad finishes, turns and proceeds to walk back to the car with the biggest, shit eating grin on his face. I can still see the look on his face to this day. It was pure awesome and pure my Dad.

"I bet the guy will never do that again...and I bet he has to change his underwear."


Susan said…
love this story!! Thank you for sharing.....
Unknown said…
I wish I had seen the look on his face. The way I imagined it you must have been bursting with pride.