Journaling on the Go...

Tomorrow begins the madness otherwise known as San Diego Comic-Con, a.k.a. SDCC! I prepped a small "on the go" journal kit (as always!) Above you'll see my journal, a small bag of focal images, background papers, a few cut up transparencies, stickers and rub-ons. My small bag of latte and sweet pens. A bag of glue sticks, small scissors, a glue rag (for wiping and burnishing), bone folder, Glaze and Souffle pens, Uniball Signo white and my trusty .35 Rapidosketch pen. I'm prepared for waiting in long lines, restaurants and keeping my sanity in check!

Big thank you's to everyone for your kind words and emails. They mean a lot.

In other important news, Happy Birthday wishes to my husband, David. I love you lots. Xo...


trish quilty said…
David and I share the same birthday. so Happy Birthday to him.
Hugs, Pat q
see you soon