Eddie Campbell Makes My Day...

and signs as well as sketches in my copy of "Alec: The Years Have Pants" at the Topshelf Booth. If you don't know who Eddie Campbell is, google him right now. He's one of my favorite artists as well as an all around nice bloke.

Today was AMAZING. We met and saw several of our favorite artists. I'll have a write up soon as I'm blogging from my phone. After the way the last month has been, today was a whirlwind of good things happening and I'm VERY grateful for such a good day in the midst of such sadness. I've always said that artists are the nicest people and I was proven right today!


laurie said…
i'm glad you and your family are doing something fun this weekend! enjoy.
Brian Kasstle said…
So glad you three are having a wonderful time! Enjoy!