A Box Full O' Treasure

Dennison label LOVE. These boxes remind me of my Nana for some reason (probably because she had the coolest bureau ever that you could pull the front of it down and it became a writing desk and there were all sorts of neat compartments in it. I loved it as a kid and miss it now but not as much as I miss her. She always decorated our cards and gifts with stickers. Now I know where I got my love of stationery products from!)


laurie said…
my grandma had a desk like that and now it is mine! i love it and fill the compartments with all kinds of stationary fun! it sits in my entry way and could really use refinishing. maybe someday...
Maryjo McGraw said…
I think we all wish we had this, all in one place !
That's a cool memory, Kelly. I love remembering back to my Grama's basement. She had little books, card games like Old Maid, and every crafting item ever made, I think! Yarns, threads, embroidery floss, sequins and beads, fabric galore...hmmm, I think I got a little it of my Grama in me, too...! K
jane eileen said…
I know this is some kind of candy!
Callysta said…
as similar as Laurie, I have the same desk like you but it is from my aunt. I love it very much