Art Unraveled!

Tristan and I just arrived in Phoenix about two hours ago. We're all settled in at the hotel. I'm too tired to figure out the internet connection so I'm checking in on my blog from my phone. I hope to have a blog post with some fun links soon. I also have a review of some new Jetpens products coming up soon.

Below is a photo of a yearly tradition. Ever since Tristan was a little boy and coming with me to Art Unraveled (I've been teaching every year here since the first AU), I've pushed him on the cart up and down the halls. He's taller than me now but it still doesn't stop him from asking me!

Looking forward to teaching in the morning!

A quick reminder that I'm scheduled to teach in Fort Collins, CO at Scrap2It. If you've been putting off signing up, please don't wait much longer. I hope to see you there!


i hope the heat doesn't overwhelm you. :)
jane eileen said…
So sweet!
crimsoncat05 said…
that is a great tradition!! (no matter how old someone is... although maybe if he gets much taller, he should start pushing you down the hall?!? haha!)
Unknown said…
Phoenix in July - you're a BRAVE lady!
Marissa said…
Where'd you fit his legs? I didn't get a chance to say "hello" this year but I did spot Tristan. Amazing how much he's stretched out and gotten tall! Julia's perfect at reaching those top cupboards for me now.I'm mom to a top of the food chain 8th grader!