A Typical Family Afternoon

 My Dad would always have the radio going. ALWAYS. 


Beth Bardino said…
Oh Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad! I have lost both my parents in the last 10 years and I can tell you, you will miss your dad forever. Hold on to the memories -- they will sustain you and bring you comfort in the years to come.

Beth Bardino
Jenni said…
It's so great to have good family memories of growing up. I'm so sorry that your dad has passed away.
Tricia said…
What a great family photo. You're dad looks soo kind and laid back. May you be surrounded by sweet memories of you dad. XOXO
Kristin said…
Is that you in the back with that gorgeous red hair? LOVE this, Kristin xo
lynne h said…
: )

Getting involved with art has helped me cope with my own grief. I have lost my wife and my mother in the last two years. I hope staying involved with your work will help you too.