Kelly Kilmer
🎨 Painter, Book Artist, & Instructor🖌
•Acrylic Paint•Art Journaling•Collage• Books•Film•Trees•Citizen of the World•Wanderer•Working Artist
A quick note on the above page, did you know that you can color rub-ons in? It's been one of my favorite things to do for ages. Experiment with more permanent pens (like Glaze, Souffle, Latte, etc...) and see what happens!
As of noon, there are 2 journals and 1 canvas still available (they are at the top of the page.) Those of you on a mac may not be able to see them (I have no idea why!!!)
a comment on the books: one I like (fiction, but still...) that talks about grief is "A Year of Pleasures" by Elizabeth Berg. I read it a number of years ago, and I still remember parts of it. It's main character is a widow who is trying to put her life together after losing her husband to cancer; I think the author does a good job at describing how, even during a time of grief, it's okay to take pleasure in the small, ordinary things in life.
Aloha, Kate