Orly Avineri's One Artist Journal

Regular blog readers know that I'm a book nut (that might be an understatement.) So it's no surprise how excited I was to hear that Orly Avineri had published a book of her art journal pages. I ordered a copy as soon as I heard about it. It arrived yesterday and while I haven't had much time to read it yet, I've flipped through it several times. It's honest. It's fascinating. It's chock full of art and words. It's real. It's amazing. It's everything that I have been wanting to see MORE of for a very long time.

Orly's book is NOT a how-to book. It's a book that nourishes the soul and fills the inspiration well. It will stimulate and delight. Don't expect any step by step instructions here. It's all Orly in book form.

I've been saying for years that while I LOVE art books, I am quite tired of the number of how-to books. I'm not knocking the how to books. Not at all. I'm just saying that I think that our art form deserves a greater respect than it's being given. Why should our books be limited to the craft section? Why should they only be published if it's a step by step guide? Why can't it be a visual feast of image, thought and process? Why can't our books be inspirational instead of guidelines? These are the thoughts that often go through my head whenever I visit the bookshops and see a new book on the shelf. 

In my world, there is room for BOTH kinds of books: how-to and art books. I am hoping that Orly's new book will start the trend. She has me thinking about it again, most definitely.

If you're going to buy it (and I really recommend that you do! You won't be disappointed!!!), please make sure that you go through her shop (here) as opposed to Amazon as she will receive a MUCH, much higher royalty (a couple of bucks vs. Amazon's pennies.) She will also have copies available at her workshops in So CA.

Orly is giving away a copy of her book on her blog. Leave a comment on Orly's blog and she'll pick a winner on May 25th.

Blog Hop
Please visit these artists, check their work out and see what they're saying about Orly's new book!

Jill Berry    
Have a great weekend, folks! I hope that you find some time to create and nourish your soul!


Brian Kasstle said…
A wonderful post Kelly! I totally agree there SHOULD be more art books like this out there! I believe this will make it possible.
Sharon said…
YAAAY!! Mine was home today when I landed. Absolutely fantastic. I really think you nede to think harder about getting published. I can just see the Flippy Book on a page in the book all flipped out! And then turned over and that side displayed on the next page! YEP!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Sharon, my friend,

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm jumping all over you, but you touched a nerve with your comment... :)

I've been saying for years and years that I wanted to do a book of just my ART and maybe my process and thoughts. I have never been able to find a way to actually DO IT where it would be affordable.

I'm glad that Orly was able to find such a venue. The wheels are turning again here....

Kimberly said…
Kelly, I just wanted to publicly thank you, from the bottom of my book-loving (hoarding) heart, for generously sharing your art, sources for art supplies, techniques, knowledge and book reviews.

My birthday list this April was mostly books you had recommended. (this doesn't include the mad washi tape buying spree I already had thanks to you and your sources). I wish I could post a photo of my book haul, but I think it was 20 books. You opened my eyes to the wonders of Lynda Barry, Sabrina Ward Harrison, Christine Mason Miller - to name just a few - and now Orly Avineri. My bookshelves, already loaded, runneth over.

I have to admit to collecting a number of 'how-to' books - they're like cookies for me, I can't stop at just one. Mostly it's because a lot of the art journaling and collage are new techniques for me, but now you are showcasing big-juicy-steak-kind-of-books that can't be devoured in one sitting and then forgotten. They must be savored over time. Thank you for showcasing other artist's work that inspires you and now inspires me.

Your work deserves to be published and I hope that you have an opportunity to do so. I purchased Orly's book as you suggested, through her site, rather than amazon. I would be delighted to do the same for you when the time is right. Until then I will happily and religiously follow your blog and purchase your classes.

Thank you for being awesome.

Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank YOU, Kimberly, for making my night. :)

Books are totally like cookies to me, too. My shelves are bursting. :) BUT I am happy as books fill me up!!!

Hope you had a nice birthday!
Good morning, Kelly! I ordered this from Orly last night after reading this post, too! I can't wait for it to arrive. I actually did a bit more damage, retail wise, too, when I ordered a dozen rolls of washi tape online after that. Oh well! It's more "cookies" that don't kill my diet!! Have a happy Saturday. Kath