
I'm still working on those journals that I have to sell. I'm hoping to list them sometime next week. I'll give you a 24 hours notice before I do.

I'm hoping to pick up:
to name a few.

Our local comic shops are:

Check out the list of events at various shops here (even if yours isn't listed, check with them as it's also held outside of the U.S.)


Anonymous said…
I just wondered if you had ever read any of Tove Jannson's books written for grown ups? The True Deceiver was a really good read. Very imaginative and atmospheric.
Love Karen xx
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, Karen. I have read (and loved) "The Summer Book." Her others are on my wishlist. I have my eyes out for them at the used bookstores. :)
mette laumann said…
Wow what a lovely art
Mette ;)
Anonymous said…
I have a copy of the Summer Book but not yet read... summer is on its way though. Karen xx
Cat said…
I love the book you are showing in this post, especially love that page with the pink-tipped rose. Gorgeous!! Speaking of books, as most of mine are on my Nook these days, I am going through withdrawl since my charger tip broke!! off.