Cover of My Latest Journal

More soon...
Still not done showing you the pages of my Compendium of Visual Delights first!
Had a GREAT day teaching at Zinnia in So Pasadena. Lots of fun, new faces.
I hope that you're having a nice weekend!


cre8tnow said…
Kelly - LOVE this page (I still can't find cool images of girls in magazines! Yours always amaze me!)
Tania said…
It is lovely as usual Kelly!! You never fail to impress!
Paula said…
Stunning! I really really love this one.
Anonymous said…
Totally LOVE IT!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks for the kind words. I'm having fun with it!
Anonymous said…
Hi Kelly: love this page. Did you paint in that greenish area in middle and the peach color?
Thanks patq
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, Pat. It's not a page. It's the cover of my latest journal. It's not painted. The green is the image itself. The orange is tape.
