1,000 Artists' Books: Exploring the Book as Art

Look what came in the mail yesterday! 1,000 Artists' Books: Exploring the Book as Art edited by Sandra Salamony with Peter and Donna Thomas. You can take a sneak peek inside the book here. I've only flipped through it a few times. I haven't had a chance yet to sit down and fully devour it. It's definitely a book to be savored in bits and pieces. 

My only complaints are the die cut cover (1,000) and the fact that these books haven't been made available in hardcover (I know but I'm allowed to dream, aren't I?) 

This is definitely a title that will have a permanent home in my book collection among other favorites like:

Masters: Book Arts: Major Works by Leading Artists

The Book as Art: Artists' Books from the National Museum of Women in the Arts

Book + Art: Handcrafting Artists' Books

500 Handmade Books: Inspiring Interpretations of a Timeless Form

The Penland Book of Handmade Books: Master Classes in Bookmaking Techniques

Masters: Collage: Major Works by Leading Artists

1,000 Artist Journal Pages: Personal Pages and Inspirations
