Some Fun Stuff

The mailman brought me the package above! A small piece of happiness from Cute tape. They have lots of fun stuff in the shop (including new glitter tape! Ooh!) I can't wait to use these later on today.

I hope that my post yesterday encourages folks to play and experiment on their own. My whole point with sharing my work here is always to encourage you to play and experiment on your own using what you have and seeing what the outcome will be. The more you work hands on, the more it all will start to click! I promise!

Blog Love:
An Inventory Of Al-Mutanabbi Street
Sas Colby's World of Books (you can view a pdf of her book at her site. Sas' book will be a part of the Al-Mutanabbi Street exhibit.)
If you're in or near L.A., Fire Walk With Me opens this weekend in Santa Monica celebrating the 20th anniversary of the film
8 Creative Ways to Use Pinterest
Ooh! I can't wait for this book!
Speaking of books, I ordered this one and this one


Sandy said…
Oh I love the tape! Great links. I couldn't see the first book link but I'll check back. The other two look great.