My Messy Corner of the Living Room

If you've been reading this blog for awhile, you know that I live in a one bedroom apartment. My husband and I sleep on the futon in our small dining room area while our son has the bedroom. David's bookcases and his comic book shelving unit take up most of the living room wall space. The photo that you see above is my (very messy at the moment but I'm too hard at work on my latest online class to clean it) corner of the living room.

What you need to understand right off the bat is that if I didn't teach art classes, with the exception of the book shelves, I wouldn't have (or need) most of this stuff. I've shown you my journal bag several times before here in various forms and that, quite honestly, is what I work from (if you could only see the floor below in this picture! Lol! It looks like my journal bag exploded!)

On the walls, are tiny, wooden shelves that contain a small portion of my toys, collectibles, treasures Tristan made when he was younger, etc... I've always had a heart for small, pocket sized toys since I was little. I have toys from my childhood, Dunny figures and much, much more.

The Rubber Stampede shelving unit was given to me (free) years ago. I usually rotate out all of my rubber stamps every now and then for classes. Most of the stamps here though are my personal collection and some of my most favorites. The bottom two shelves have a wire basket filled with my double (or in some cases more) rolls of my washi and deco tape. This is where I keep my most favorite tapes that I tend to load up on and use repeatedly. Next to the wire basket is my (sadly) little used sewing machine and matboard for classes. The bottom two shelves are full of more matboard for classes.

I am honestly thinking of trying to swap out my sewing machine (it's brand new. I've used it maybe three times tops) for an old fashioned typewriter. I have been looking for an old script typewriter so we'll see what happens!

Hanging on a pant hanger rack you'll see four rows of my deco tape. This is all of the deco tape that I have that's mine and not for classes.

The space between the stamp cabinet and the bookshelf is an odd size. I would love to buy or build a shelving unit that would fit there. For now, I have my journal books (not journals but books on journal writing) in ziploc bags there. The messy bag on top is filled with some of my collectible toy boxes.

The bookshelf you've seen before. It has some of my favorite titles on its shelves as well as some more toys and gifties from friends. At the top of the shelf (which you can't see) are tax receipts, magazines and old notebooks.

In front of the bookshelf is my Grandmother's table. Right now it has some books, receipts and other crap that I need to put away piled upon it. Underneath has my XL Crop in Style case that I bought years ago and use for my classes. I also have a few rolls of handmade/decorative paper (for classes) also stashed near there. Usually when I buy handmade paper for *me*, I fold it into quarters and tear off a quarter immediately. I will put 1/4th of the paper in my "now" journal bag and the rest goes into my "for later" stash. I also do this with scrapbooking paper as well as transparencies. I cut them in half and have half for now and half for later.

I also have some pillows on the floor in case I want to get comfy over in the corner with my journal stuff.

A couple of years ago, we went to the Container Store and bought the massive black metal shelving unit. While not pretty, it is functional. I tend to hang artsy stuff on there for inspiration. Most of the stuff stored on it is for classes.

The very top row has various decorated cigar boxes and other goodies that friends have given me over the years.

The next shelf has:
-2 Iris cases of my washi tape
-a clear case of rub-ons (I always try to keep my rub-ons separate from anything heavy and away from heat so they last.)
-a couple of various containers of pens, pencils, markers (I have a complete set of Caran d'ache Neo Art Watersoluble Wax Pastels, a case of their watercolor pencils and a small toiletry bag full of extra pens and markers.)
-Burlap bags with fabric scraps, ribbon and stickers.

The third shelf is a total mess right now but it has:
-some 8 1/2 x 11" cases with scrapbook paper and transparencies in them.
-a small case or two of my unmounted stamps (I prefer wood mounted but if I can only buy them unmounted, I will.)
-my alphabet and number stamp sets
-books I'm reading

The fourth shelf has:
-12 x 12" plastic cases with scrapbooking paper
-small Iris photo cases with photographs, favorite travel rubber stamps and a few odd doo dads in them.
-a wooden box full of collage stuff
-more books I'm reading
-my Paumes books that I collect

The fifth shelf has books, books and more books. Mostly books for collage that I need to go through and tear up.

The sixth shelf has two large containers full of collage ephemera. This is my stash that I rotate out of for me as well as classes. When I get bored, I sort through and swap stuff out. There are also more books for classes. I also have my Fiskars rotary paper cutter stashed there.

On the floor (below) the shelving unit, are magazines in zilpoc plastic bags. When we open the windows, L.A. air can be dirty and grimy so we tend to put our books and magazines in plastic comic book bags to protect them.

Not shown:
-I also have a pink suitcase that's filled with more collage stuff.
-In the kitchen, I have one cabinet devoted exclusively to acrylic paints and mediums. They are sealed tight, kept away from heat and I only ever take out what I need and never put anything back into the containers (to prevent mold growth.)
-I have a very small pantry (small enough for a 4' person to fit in rather uncomfortably) that also holds extra class stuff (rubber stamps, class pens, etc...)
-In the trunk of my car is a large collage bag that I need to desperately downsize!

I learned a long time ago that I don't need everything out there to be creative. I tend to work from my journal bag and rotate stuff out need be when I get bored.

If I have to downsize, I would keep my books, my journals (stashed in Tristan's bedroom on a bookshelf), a bag of my favorite pens, my washi tape, a few rolls of transparent deco tape, a few sets of alphabet and number rubber stamps, a box (or two) of collage ephemera, my coccoina glue sticks, a favorite pair of scisssors, a black staz-on ink pad, a metal ruler and a few favorite rubber stamps.

Once I have some free time and the space is cleaned up, I will show you some more detailed photos.

So, for whomever asked about how I store my stuff on formspring, I hope this helped. I would think hard about whatever supplies you love, need and actually use. Even with little space, there are always nooks and crannies and various possible ways to store your stash!

If anyone has a blog post on what their studio/art area looks like, please link below! I'd love to see!


femminismo said…
Well, I told my husband about your corner of the living room. I don't know if I'll get a space inside the nice warm house yet or not. xxooxx
Melissa said…
wooooooooow! cool AND scary lol
Pamela said…
I have always been amazed at how efficient and productive you are in such a tiny space! My dad and I just finished building some shelving for my rubber stamps. We used a sheet of plywood, a staple gun and wood glue. It's coated with a super thin layer of white primer. Perhaps an idea for your odd space between your current shelving! I'll email you a picture since I do not have a blog to refer to. :-)
Kelly Kilmer said…
I hope that you do!! You don't need much space. My attitude has always been that a home should be shared. A friend walked in and was surprised that I hung my artwork on the walls. I said why wouldn't I? She said her husband would never let her do that. I thought that was very sad and very wrong.
I hope that you get your much needed space. Hugs.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Scary to those with white rugs and plastic covered furniture. It's home to me. I surround myself with people and objects that nurture and fulfill me. If they don't then there's no room for them in my home.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, Pamela! Ooh! I would love to see!! Did the hardware store cut the plywood for you, too?
Sandy said…
I love your art corner. I loved the tour of it. I want a shelf for my stamps so bad. I'll have to take some photos of my art area which used to be where our dining table was and share them. Esp. now that I organized it and can get all the way in to the wall. ;)
Anonymous said…
I love it! karenxx
Trece said…
Is that a Bernina?? You should be able to sell it for decent money. I'm thinking you're looking for an IBM Selectric electric typewriter, with a script ball. Good luck in your search!!
Emie58 said…
You are very organized!!! In order to get that much stuff in a small space you have to be. I just love visiting Ikea.... I love how they design an entire apartment space and get so much stuff in it.
Desert Mermaid said…
this is what I want to do in my house ... make it OUR house, including ME ... instead of me housing everything in my studio, because then I'm always separated. anyway, I love how this looks -- I could walk right in and be totally happy. I'll email you a coupla pics I took last night of my rubber stamp 'shelves' (temporary) ... I have no other way of sharing them. I'd love to volunteer to accept collage material you unload out of the bag in your trunk, Kelly! I know what goooood stufffffff is in there. Name your price!


Sharon W. said…
We need more photos! It's frustrating to have you describe a little pile of treasures and then realize the pile is out of sight!!!! Is that the entire stash, or do you have a storage unit (or two) somewhere. If so, I hope we get a "tour" of that, too!!!! Love it all....I want to dive into it and find something for my own journal....
Kelly Kilmer said…
Sharon, I've posted up close photos before of bits and pieces that I described in this post. Someone asked me how I store things so this was the easiest way to do it for now. Eventually I will show more detailed photos but I'm super busy working on my new online class.

NO. No storage units ANYWHERE. I don't have the money for one nor do I believe in them. All of my crap has to fit here or else it goes. What you see and read me describing is it. As I said in the post, I primarily work from my journal bag. It works best for me.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Sandy, I would love to see your photos!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Toni, I work right in the center of our home. It's wonderful. When Tristan was little he would play out here and the three of us would hang out. Now he's older and spends most of his time in his room.
Lol sorry you misunderstood me. The bag in the trunk needs to be downsized. It's hard to access and for folks to find things. I need to make smaller bags up for students to access.
Anonymous said…
Thank you SO much Kelly for sharing. I love your little corner of the world. It feels so comfy and homey and functional. Those are the most important things to me. You are truly efficient. My husband gave me a really tall red and black Craftsman (13 drawers). I use it for my stamps. It may be one of my prize possessions. Yes. I have a Craftsman toolbox!! I am a huge fan of cubbies. I did get some at Target. They do hold a lot of my stuff.
Try checking out Craigs List or Freecycle for that missing bookshelf.
Thank you again SO SO much.
Rachel from Colorado
Anonymous said…
Kelly,I LOVE your living room. It actually looks like my bedroom (only better!). My craft room is my bedroom and their isn't a surface not covered with some art paraphenalia or other and that includes the bed I share with my dog (yes,I'm one of those people!!) I have been considering turning in the Queen bed for a futon to save some space!. I would love an old typewriter,too--I just saw a vintage non-electric one at an antique barn 2 weeks ago for $150.00 which was over my budget. It was a beauty though!! I had to clean up a bunch of stuff last year so the duct cleaner guy could get his machine in my room--most of that stuff is still in tubs--where on earth I kept it all is beyond me because there's no room to unpack it now!! So,needless to say--your area looks great compared to mine but I couldn't/wouldn't part with any of my STUFF!!!-Cat
Jessica Loughrey said…
here's a look at my area. it does not usually look this clean! and not pictured is my very messy closet that's right behind my husband's armchair and his desk with his cb radios. the closet has my fabric and boxes of completed journals and other artwork.
Pamela said…
Yep, Lowe's cut the sheet in half and even cut one of the halves into strips for me at no charge! Saved me hours of measuring!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Trece, it's not a Bernina. It's a Janome 11558 Heavy-duty Sewing Machine. I'd actually like an old fashioned script typewriter. I have an electronic regular typewriter but there's something about an old script one that makes my heart go pitter patter. I can dream for now...
Kelly Kilmer said…
Jessica, I left a comment on your blog. THANKS For sharing with a link. LOVE the photos!

Cat, I emailed you privately.

Rachel, THanks for sharing! I've tried various sources for the bookshelf but it's such an odd space with a small size. I'll keep looking. I'm not totally worried as we won't live here for forever and I'm okay with the way it is in the corner now. :)

Pamela, Awesome! Thanks again!
amystic said…
thank you for sharing your creative space/home. I think that is wonderful that your home truly reflects your authentic, creative self.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank you Amy! I try!
Taylor schapiro said…
Love this post.
Sandy said…
I took photos and made a blog post of my art corner. If you'd like to see it here's the link.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, Taylor. I'd love to see your studio!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Sandy, I LOVE your studio. What treasures!! Your hand carved stamps are just The grooviest. Thank you for sharing!!!!!
sara said…
Since I've been trying (and failing!) with getting my space organized, I LOVE posts like this! Thank you for sharing (and for all of those who shared in the comments, I'm totally scoping them all out next!). Pamela - if you don't mind sharing, I'd LOVE to see the shelf that you built... I'm totally curious since it sounds like something that I could get use out of and might have to talk my husband in to building for me if it's not too difficult! If you don't mind, woudldja shoot me a photo of it, too, please? Thanks!