31 January 2012 Journal Page

Here's one of my favorite pages. I had a lot of fun with the various cut-outs and all of the coloring in. One of my favorite things to do is to also use portions of an image instead of using the whole image, I'll crop it and just use a part of it.


I took my Mom and my cousin around town yesterday. We visited Roxbury Drive in Beverly Hills (Jack Benny, Peter Falk, Jimmy Stewart and a slew of other folks lived there.) My cousin also wanted to visit Marilyn Monroe's grave so we hopped on over to Westwood and finally found the nook nestled between the library and several huge, towering buildings. The cemetery is the final resting place for Billy Wilder, Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Dean Martin, John Cassavetes, Bettie Page, Don Knotts, Karl Malden and Peter Falk (to name a few.) I love exploring cemeteries and it doesn't matter to me who is buried there. My Grandpa used to take us across the street to the large cemetery in Weymouth, MA, where we'd ride our bikes and explore the stones.

I also took them for a short ride along PCH. We didn't get very far with the traffic so we decided to drop my cousin off early at her friend's house in Santa Monica. Today is their last full day here so we're hoping to make the most of it!


Happy International Women's Day!

"One is not born a woman, but rather becomes one." Simone de Beauvoir

If women want any rights more than they's got, why don't they just take them, and not be talking about it. Sojourner Truth


mette laumann said…
felicidades para ti en el DÍA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER!!
Antares Cryptos said…
Happy international women's day.

I am sure you know, but Nasa's Mars rover was named Sojourner after her.
Anonymous said…
I had never heard of Sojourner, but what a poweful quote! Also, Marilyn Monroe, I absolutely loved her growing up, and still do. Is her grave well tended? Love Karenxx
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, everyone!

Yes, Marilyn's grave is very well tended-as are ALL of the graves there. Her stone in the wall is COVERED with red lipstick smooches. I asked my cousin if she was going to kiss it and she shook her head, "No." and looked at me like I was nuts. Lol My Mom kissed the Blarney Stone in Ireland and we know what the locals do on that at night. ;)