Building Up the Layers
Above are a small handful of samples from my latest class, Building Up the Layers, which debuted this past weekend in Fremont. I really enjoyed watching how the ideas translated to others and I received great feedback on the class. They loved it! I am in full prep mode today for my classes this weekend at Frenzy Stamper in Scottsdale. These are my only Arizona classes until Art Unraveled in August and I'm very excited to be teaching all new classes this weekend. I can't wait to visit one of my favorite stores and see my friends as well as meet several new faces. I have some fun goodies to share soon. I had two packages come in the mail while I was gone. I'll post some pictures this week! |
.//^ ^\\ Feliz Dia del Amor y Amistad ♥♥
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Thanks, Karen!!! I have thought many times of writing a book but my husband's bad experience has led me to shy away from it. Also, if I were to do a book, it would be a self published art or inspirational book. It wouldn't be a how to. Thanks for the kind words. :) Yes, I consider myself very lucky to be able to do what I do.