Journal Page in Progress

I was very happy to be able to sleep in as none of us had really had a full night's sleep in a few days. That bed felt good last night after two long (but fun) days!

I've been busy with my family and running around after my little munchkin of a nephew. My sister and I attempted to get to the mall today but after getting stuck in atrocious traffic not once but twice, we turned around. I'll have to swap out that cookie smelling candle I got tomorrow! (I don't like dessert smelling candles at all. My Mom is the same way. We both like candles that smell like the forest. I also like ones that smell like fruit.)

David and I walked to Michaels for some gifties for our nieces and nephews. My 12 year old nephew wants colored duct tape so I am going to fulfill that wish! David keeps asking, "What does he want tape for?" My other niece wants art supplies so I have a whole bag of goodies for her that I've been setting aside for her.

My new online class is in full swing. I am really enjoying seeing what others have been posting. I always enjoy seeing what folks make! It is the best part of teaching.

I'm all prepped and ready for my classes later this week at Ink About It in Westford, MA. I'm really looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting some new ones.

Above is a work in progress page. I finished it on the 23rd. I'll show you the finished page tomorrow. Even though I'm on the road, I still am trying to journal every day even if it means just doing one thing to a page!

I forgot to mention that it snowed yesterday. Nothing stuck and it was over before you blinked but it did add a nice effect to the day! From the looks of the weather forecast we won't be having any snow while we're here. I was hoping for a little of it before we leave...I really miss having real weather in Los Angeles. I saw that it was 75° there yesterday! Crazy!!


Sandy said…
Beautiful page. So glad you're having a great time with your family. So exciting to see snow. I love when it snows here, even though it never lasts long. It was warmer than normal for us too and humid. It was misty all day. I hope you're class is great.