New Books!

This is my favorite kind of day. It rained a bit off and on throughout the day (pouring when I was in South Pasadena!).

I trekked to Zinnia to swap out samples. I also picked up some doo dad bar goodies to use in an upcoming project that I've been working on. Tamara and the gang were busy rearranging the store while Ali the Wonder Cat supervised. I can't wait to see what Tamara has planned for the holidays!

I decided to pop in at Great Harvest (across the street from Zinnia). I bought a great cranberry bean soup mix (add vegetable broth and onions, simmer low on the stove for 3-4 hours and you're done!) along with some delicious honey wheat bread for dinner. YUM. I had to hide half of the bread so David wouldn't eat it all tonight.

I packed up samples for my classes at Ink About It in Westford, MA December 29th and 30th. (Good news! I will also be teaching on the 28th in Whitman. Info to come soon.Yay!!!) The samples went out priority insured today so they should have them in the shop by Tuesday. I'm excited!

I usually mail my packages from the post office at The Farmers' Market (next to The Grove). I had a birthday gift certificate to use at Barnes and Noble. I was so happy to find that they had two books I've been looking for:

Vegan's Daily Companion by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau (thanks Krista for recommending this! I've been wanting to try eating Vegan for breakfast.)


Food Rules by Michael Pollan, illustrated by the one and only, Maira Kalman. I am a sucker for Maira Kalman's work. If she does a drawing or painting and it gets published, I'll more than likely buy it. I almost floated out of the store, I was so happy!!!

Now it's close to 8 p.m., dinner has been eaten. I baked cookies (peanut butter for David and chocolate chip peanut butter for Tristan and I) because that's the sort of thing you do on a wet, rainy 50° day.

My class at Zinnia for tomorrow was canceled (disappointed!) but the good news is that my class on Sunday in Simi Valley is still a go (email me if you're interested!) It is the first time in a long time that I've taught in that area. I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new faces.

I hope that wherever you are and whatever your plans may be, you have a wonderful weekend. Make some art. Eat something yummy. Relax and be good to yourself and those around you! Xo!


Barbara Hagerty said…
You know how much I love Maira Kalman! A friend sent Amy one of her books and it's all I can do to keep from stealthily relocating it to one of my bookshelves.....

Speaking of vegan for breakfast, we mix nutella and pnut butter and spread on seeded nut bread. A really yummy option that's full of protein and filling.

We'll see you this weekend in Scottsdale! Wanted to come Fri and Sat too, but the way schedules are shaping up, I'm afraid it might end up just Sunday, but both of us are planning on it. Can't wait!
Barbara Hagerty said…
.....strike that, reverse it! another schedule change, so it's going to be saturday....
Sandy said…
The books look great. I wish I could figure out how to just become a vegetarian. I'm really starting to not like meat or my body is starting to not like it. I have no idea how to do it with a house full of meat eaters. I'm afraid it would be too expensive to try.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Sandy, think in terms of baby steps. It is NOT expensive at all to be a vegetarian. I do NOT make a lot of money and we are all (David, Tristan and I) vegetarians. :) I make lots of soups and breads from scratch. We eat lots of salad, brown rice, etc... I frequent my local farmers market at the end of the day for last minute sales and deals. I can stretch any vegetable meal to feed all 3 of us.
It became a full vegetarian a year ago. I stopped eating red meat in 2004 or so. I haven't missed it at all.
At the moment, I have no plans to go vegan but want to try vegan breakfasts every now and then. :)