Harlan Ellison at Cinefamily

Last night, we trekked over to Cinefamily on Fairfax to see the great Harlan Ellison. It. was. amazing. Ellison spoke for almost four hours. He was also extremely gracious enough to stay after wards (for well over an hour) to sell and sign books. We were one of the last people in line. He had been talking to someone else when he motioned to Tristan that he would sign his book. We said our thanks and started to leave. We were half way up the aisle when Ellison called out, "Hey kid!" Tristan turned around. He asked his name as well as, "Do the kids at school fuck with you?" Tristan shrugged and smiled, "Sometimes." Ellison said, "Do you want to learn some moves on how to take care of that?" Tristan said Ellison had one helluva grip. He grabbed his hand and showed him how to lock an opponent's thumb down and disable him. Ellison then invited Tristan over to his house, "after 2 and I'll show you some more moves." He then told Tristan to get rid of his shorts (trade them out for long pants). It was definitely one memorable night. If you're an Ellison fan, you probably already know this but just in case, you can buy books directly from him here.

David's perspective of the night (with video).

Here's an article that mentions Tristan's encounter.


laurie said…
wow! what a wonderful experience for tristan. i got goosebumps just reading this post.
Barbara Hagerty said…
OK, so after reading your blog and your FB post, and wishing that I could have been there last night, I grabbed the hardback graphic novel of Ellison's Phoenix Without Ashes and read it with a cup of coffee. What a genius that man is! And I've come to the conclusion that I end up reading with you as much as journaling, even though we're usually not in the same city.
Laurel said…
Very late with the comment, here, but...Harlan really invited Tristan over to the legendary Ellison Wonderland? MAN!!!!!!! If so, and you go, you're both going to be in heaven!!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Lol Laurel, like I'd have the gall to knock on the door. I'd love to see his house, though. The man is amazing. All 3 of us are huge fans.