What I Bought in Berkeley

See? I was a good girl! I hit Scrapbook Territory, Castle in the Air, Paper Source and the bookstores on 4th Street. Fun!

Having a GREAT time teaching in Oakland at Gaylynne's! So much fun! What a great group!!


Raine said…
Wow! Such self-restraint!
kasia | szkieuka said…
Lovely items! Especially the stamps.
laurie said…
beautiful, rich finds! you have an eye for picking out the pieces that will be versatile and add just the right impact to a page. i would love to shop with you!
Cat said…
You were a good girl!! Your loot is beautiful though. Wish we had boutique scrapbook/stamp stores around here!! Our two stamp stores closed years ago--thank God for Michaels, JoAnns and Hobby Lobby!! Problem with them is they don't have classes taught by a Kelly Kilmer like the stores you teach in. And Kelly Kilmer doesn't live in Nashville, TN!! Sigh!!
Cat said…
P.S. I would love to shop with you also!! There's an idea for you-- you could set up a class of people to shop with you and take them to all your favorite places. I'll tell you--I'd pay for that for sure!! (thanks to laurie for this idea!!)
marta traughber said…
4th street is a shopping mecca!
Tricia said…
OOOHHHHH new stuff!I would definetly tag along on a shopping spree with Kelly Kilmer any old day!