Sunday Night Dinner

I wanted to make something somewhat new for dinner. I found this recipe and decided to try my hand at it for dinner.

I bought a puff pastry shell, fresh mozzarella, mint and tomatoes at Trader Joe's. I pretty much followed the recipe above but used the ingredients I mentioned instead of everything she listed. (It's hard enough getting my boy to eat mint (he kept joking that I was trying to serve him drugs) and tomatoes let alone "funky" cheeses. Even then he picked off most of the tomatoes until I insisted he eat a few of them. Boy gagging noises followed. If you ever want free entertainment, watch my kid eat a tomato. I should video it and stick it up on youtube.)

I added a spinach salad with onion, pear, tomato and strawberries. Yum!

Last night, we went to The American Cinematheque in Hollywood for the 50th anniversary of the Dick Van Dyke show. It's a theatre that we rarely go to (I've been twice, I think) as it's just too expensive for a family of three. I love their sister theatre, the Aero in Santa Monica. I just feel more comfortable there (not to mention it's cheaper, there's plenty of free street parking, and there aren't any tourists asking what's going on because at the Aero there's a freakin' marquee.) We had fun last night! It was definitely the Carl Reiner and Gary Marshall show. Those two need a sitcom together circa 2011. I'd totally watch it. They had us in hysterics. Dick Van Dyke didn't do much talking though we did see him dance (off to the side as he was waiting to be introduced) and even sing the Dick Van Dyke Theme Song (yes, there were lyrics but they never used them!). Rose Marie (sitting in the audience) asked the best question of the night: "Where's the bathroom?" It was fun hearing the stories and finding out that various cast, crew and family members were sitting around us in the audience (Marshall quipped that "next time I'll bring a flashlight" as there wasn't a spotlight nor did they raise the lights so you could see who was where. Odd.) All in all, it was a fun night and definitely a rare treat to see such a cast and crew assembled again 50 years later. I did videotape almost all of it and David may put it on his blog. If he does, I'll link. If anyone is wondering, the show is just as funny now as it (probably) was then. TV Land is going to be airing it soon.

David and I watch very little (ridiculously so) modern television. We have shows that we tape and watch on a regular basis: Ebert Presents at the Movies, the Simpsons (last week's episode was horrendous), and Community (hit or miss). Our favorite shows tend to be the older ones. I love Burns and Allen. We've been watching them for months now. Other favorites are Kung Fu, Hill Street Blues, Twilight Zone, Star Trek, Moonlighting to name a few...We usually end up watching films over television shows.

Any favorite tv or movie recommendations?


Emie58 said…
Your tart looks wonderful!
Dandelion and Daisy said…
Lately, we have been watching Lavern and Shirley reuns and YES, I'd watch more T.V. if they had shows that were that funny without all of the humor being based on sex. Enough already!
Marylinn Kelly said…
We are fans of FRINGE (an alternate universe - does it get any better than that?) original TWILIGHT ZONE (they are talking of another film remake, oh, please not). Too many to list. Your event sounds like a wonderful night...I've been to some of the Paley programs in years past...even cast and crew talking about a current show expands the enjoyment. And yum, your tart. xo