Print & Pattern 2

One of my favorite blogs is Print & Pattern. Last year she published a collection of various artists and their work called (what else?) Print & Pattern. I loved it so much that it took me months to read as I wanted to go through and slowly savor each page. I still look back at it as a reference and inspiration guide.
Well now she's done it again and released Print & Pattern 2:
If you love the blog and the first book, then this is a must have. If you've never seen either, drop everything and run to her blog to check it out.

What I really love about the book is that it lists the various artists inspiration sources. It's a bit of going down the rabbit hole but it's always worth finding new artists to admire. I expect that this one will also take me quite some time to go through it completely.


Barbara Hagerty said…
Love these books, and the blog! Thanks for posting about them, Kelly!