New Journal Started 6 October 2011

“One thing is certain: the arts keep you alive. They stimulate, encourage, challenge, and, most of all, guarantee a future free from boredom. They allow growth and even demand it in that time of life we call maturity but too often enter it with a childish faith that what we learned in youth is sustenance enough for the years when most men are mentally famished but won't admit it—or when they are apt to curb their hunger with the sops of complacency, security, and the assurance of death.” Vincent Price


Dawn D. Sokol said…
Love this journal!
Cat said…
The second I saw it---I LOVE your journal!! Very, very nice job!!!
irene said…
Amazing journal. Love it, Kelly!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful what is the size of this one???
Kathryn Zbrzezny said…
What a beautiful journal! Kath
Anonymous said…
I look at your blog everyday and wanted to say that your generosity of spirit shines through your work. You are an inspiration.
Sandy said…
I make a motion for a 3rd. It's awesome!
becky said…
I'm loving the cover on this journal!! :) Simple abandon in your work. Swaaaa-eet!
laurie said…
a new journal is always exciting - so many possibilities! i wanted to take every one of your classes in scottsdale next month (they all sound so intriguing!) but, unfortunately, i am going to be out of town. one of my friends is hosting a get-away up in sedona for her fortieth birthday party. i know (fingers crossed) we will get together one of these days.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. I really do appreciate the comments.

The journal is a little smaller than 9 x 11" or so.
Shayla said…
Beautiful journal!