New Journal Cover: Work in Progress

I finished the journal that I've been working on the last couple of months Tuesday night. I wanted to do something different as well as make my new journal a bit bigger in size.

I started the cover of my new journal yesterday. The photo above is one of the many I took while I worked. It's interesting to see how it progressed. I'll show you the finished cover soon. I'll also show you the rest of the old journal soon as well.

This new journal closed is about 8 3/4 x 10 3/4". My goal with this new journal is texture. I want it to be touchable and full of luscious layers. I also only used 5 sheets of cardstock, folded and nested together gives you 20 sides to work on. I tend to get bored with journals that have more than 20 pages.

In other news, I'm super excited to give a little tease announcement: I'll be teaching in Simi Valley, CA the first Sundays of November and December. I'll have more details soon. I also booked December 29th and 30th at Ink About It in Westford, MA. Class information and details will be available shortly. I'm looking forward to it!!

Huge thanks to all of you who sent me get well wishes. I'm still feeling crappy but am slowly on my way to recovery.


Sandy said…
I love seeing the new journals you make. They are always so pretty. I'm the opposite, I love large journals and am sad when one ends. I think I get in a routine in the end of a journal and want it to go on.
sara said…
I LOVE this, Kelly. I really wish that I could grasp this whole layering and cutting/pasting things prettily and nicely. I still want to be like you when I grow up (even if we are the same age). ;)

I hope you're feeling better today. Sorry I just fell off the face of the earth - things got crazy stupid with my oldest boy and sorta emotionally charged, it's been a bit of an uphill struggle since we last talked... regardless, I didn't mean to just up and leave our conversations, though, and I apologize that I let it happen.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, Sandy! I have felt like that at times but mostly it's an eagerness to work on a new journal only because I make so many books that I am always eager to start working in a new one!!

Sara, no worries. I was hoping you were okay. I promise you, the more you work, the easier it gets. It starts to click. I promise! I promise!!
Sharyn said…
Hello my friend,

I hope to see you in December. Hope all is well. Talk soon.

Love Sharyn
Sharyn said…
PS-Happy Birthday!