Journal Page in Progress

I'll show you the finished page soon! I am having a great time working in this journal.

One of my favorite things to use is scraps and waste (like the sticker waste above). If it looks like it may have potential, I'll save it. If not, it hits the recycle bin!

I've noticed that the background collage papers that I've been gravitating towards lately are book and magazine papers. Funny how it works sometimes.

Tristan is having his bottom braces put on today. Fingers crossed he'll be okay with them. I remember how tough it was the first couple of weeks and what it's like to eventually get used to them.

I'm all done with my prep work for No CA this weekend so tomorrow will be a play day for me. Yay! I am super excited about the classes this weekend. I always get so jazzed about new ideas.

Hope you're having a good week so far.


MarleneMAZ said…
Hope you had a fun day yesterday. Hoping that Tristan isn't in too much pain for the rest of the day. I have spent the last couple of years going through Ortho appts with my youngest, not much fun :(
crimsoncat05 said…
love your journal page- the pink and yellow is one of my favorite combinations right now!! Good luck to Tristan with the braces!! (I remember first getting mine; no one told me I'd drool excessively till I got used to them- ick!)
Lindart said…
Do you do all your pages in your journal, THEN write? or do you write as you go along?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks for the good thoughts for Tristan! He's a trooper, most definitely!!

Linda, I work page by page meaning I rarely move on to the next page until I'm completely done with the page that I'm working on.
Cat said…
Your enthusiasm is contagious--makes me want to run home and journal something (or at least cut out some magazine pages!!) Cutting out magazine pages is pretty much the extent of my creativity lately. Seems I've been blocked FOREVER!!! I'm going to turn that corner this weekend though!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Cat, I hope that you are inspired and have an artFull weekend. ;)
Cat said…
Thanks, Kelly-that is nice of you to say!! I am already gathering my supplies around me--just taking a few minutes to see what you and Mary Ann Moss are up to before I start!! I've taken on-line classes from both of you and consider both of you to be so inspirational! Thanks for being who you are and sharing so much of yourself and your art with all of us, Kelly!!