Home Sick

I couldn't escape it this time. I'm home sick with a sore throat and a funky feeling head. More to come as soon as my head stops spinning.

I took the above photo a couple of weeks ago behind Alias West, one of our favorite bookstores in West L.A. If you want to save it, print it out and use it for personal use, knock yourself out!


Sharon said…
Hey Kelly, sorry to hear you are sick. Take care!
Anonymous said…
Get better soon! X
Fiddle Head said…
Hope you are feeling better. Love the photo of the rose next to the wire fence. Your journals are beautiful.
Marylinn Kelly said…
Feel better, Kelly. I know your pages, pens and tapes await your return. xo
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, everyone! I'm still trying to take it easy.
Anonymous said…
I am sorry you are ill. I hope you get better soon.
Hugs, Patq