Having Fun in Oakland

The view from my teaching table in Oakland. Having fun, fun, fun!

I taught both of my new classes (Musings and Journal This!) and LOVED seeing how the students interpreted the exercises. I really liked how even people who said that they didn't journal (or want to journal), went to town with it.

I'll be trekking back home tomorrow after class. It's been such a good weekend. Huge, huge thank yous to my wonderful students and Gaylynne for such a great time.


sara said…
Okay, come back to Fort Collins and teach THESE classes, okay!? It looks fun! That yellow paper on the right side... is it tissue paper? Mulberry paper? Neither? :D
Sandy said…
I love seeing photos like this. Pure joy!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Sara, I think you are talking about the orange paper (it looks yellow). It's lotka paper.