Beginning a New Journal

I love the possibility that lies when you open a new journal. All of the "What ifs?" that cross your mind. There are no mistakes only many different choices and different opportunities.


Kristin Wilkinson said…
Love that feeling! All those blank pages waiting to be filled with moment!!!
WrightStuff said…
Ooh yes... Love the possibilities awaiting... It's all waiting up their in your imagination being taken care of by your Muse!
Anonymous said…
If only Mondays could feel the same ;D
sara said…

But wait... is this the same thing (the cover?) that we saw yesterday, but in finished mode? I'm confused. See? I really AM a problem child... can't even follow along on a BLOG for crying out loud! ;)
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, ladies!!

Sara, lol!! You're not a problem child. This is the inside cover and the beginnings of the first page. I'll be showing you the finished outside cover and first page soon. I was all giddy with new journal anticipation so I apologize for confusing you! ;)