A Simple Autumn Meal

During the Summer, I rarely turn the oven on. Our apartment itself can act like an oven, so we tend to eat simple dinners like spinach salads and things I can cook on the stovetop.

Autumn, however, is a totally different matter! I have been itching to make whole wheat bread the last few days. I followed this recipe:


(Please note, any breads I make are by hand. The bread maker in the house is ME, not a machine.)

I was going to make soup, but David said he preferred roasted vegetables. I cut up a whole onion, 3 very small potatoes, a small butternut squash and 2 small sweet potatoes. I wish I had bought some broccoli for some greens. (I had expected to make soup!) I cut everything very thin, lightly drizzled some olive oil and garlic powder and stuck it in the oven at 375° for 30 minutes.

I figured the cost of the meal to be about five dollars for a family of three. I love the farmers' market!! There's even leftovers (as I wouldn't let David eat all of the bread.)

Maybe I should've made that apple pie...


Sandy said…
Looks great. I love the bread. I'm waiting for the cooler weather so I can bake too.
Monica said…
I'm with you Kelly, By summer's end I yearn to bake and roast. This weekend made a bread and butter pudding with all the stale frozen bread. Next month/week coconut oatmeal cookies!
Tricia said…
Yum! Looks simple yet quite delish. Thanks for sharing in Blog Love last week the link regarding baked bread recipes. I actually printed off one....now to try my hand at it.
marta traughber said…
That meal looks delicious. I'm going to make some bread right now. Did you see that there is a Richard Scary printed fabric out now? Look at the true up blog.
Marylinn Kelly said…
Our resident manager asked what I was cooking one night when I was roasting squash and onions...such a delicious smell. Lucky family with you orchestrating kitchen arts. xo
Kristin Wilkinson said…
I have those same plates, Kelly! I bake all our bread too, no machine either. I should send you my recipe for the dough I typically use. It makes 3 or 4 round loaves, can keep in the fridge for up to a week and taste fabulous! I'm with you on the simple, yet filling, meals. I love to cook and use the freshest ingredients possible for economy and taste. Helps that I have an enormous veggie and herb garden which keeps me well stocked. That meal looks YUMMY!