dottie angel, the peachy crafty world of tif fussell
Well, you know how much I LOVE books. Last Christmas I ordered a present for myself (oh shush up) from Uppercase in Canada. (Don't know Uppercase? They are one of the best publishers on the face of the planet. Go here and familiarize yourself with their work. If you've never seen a copy of their magazine, go out of your way to get your hands on one. You need it. It's the best magazine being published right now. The Best.) I digress. They offered a special Book Bundle that I couldn't resist. I've been waiting patiently for the last book to arrive, Dottie Angel. It was in my mailbox today quietly waiting for me.
Dottie Angel is volume 2 in their Suitcase Series. (The first volume was published in 2009 and was all about artist Camilla Engman. It is one of my most absolute favorite books. You can find more info on the book here and here. You should have it on your shelves. Yes, you should.)
Who is Dottie Angel? Well, my dear reader, click here and read her bio.
Why am I jumping up and down over this book? Simply put, it's everything that I've been hoping it was and much, much more. It's over 250 pages of pure Dottie Goodness.
Wait! What's in the glassine envelope? Honestly, I haven't opened it yet. This is a book to be savored and taken in bits and pieces. It's a treasure. Did I mention the hand sewn postcard that's glued on the front cover? Wait, what about the Dottie Angel label glued onto the back cover?
What's the book like? It's like holding's someone's blog in your hands. It's chock full of color, texture and imagery. It's substantial. Inside are glimpses into not only Dottie's studio but also her red clogs. Yes, her red clogs. There are pages about her family, her home, her clothesline, her ironing board, her inspiration wall (well, it inspired me!), her annoying habits (you have to love anyone who will openly confess to things like this) and much, much more. There are oodles of fabric photos, how-to's, thrifting adventure insights, stories, ramblings, musings and more. This is a book that will be by my bedside for perusing for quite some time.
I could continue to gush about the Dottie Angel book, how much I love it and how it's been a long time since I've been so very excited about a book. Instead, I'll include some links below where you can go get some sneak peeks of the book and decide for yourself. If you ask me though I'll tell you if you love color, texture, fabric, beautiful photographs and a well written inspirational book, then you need Dottie Angel.
Uppercase's many blog posts about Dottie Angel
Printer Proofs
Dottie Angel's Blog
Order the Book
There is something so 70s feeling about the descriptions and photos from the book, a time when my business was craft and the world seemed to be made of chintz, dried lavender and vintage crochet. Thank you for letting us meet Dottie. xo
I apologize in advance for getting anyone into too much trouble (though with Dottie's book, it's worth it!) I, too, have been trying hard not to spend any money (especially when it looks like I may not be teaching this weekend.)
The good thing about the Uppercase books is that they don't seem to go out of print or if they do, they are excellent about giving one a heads up on their blog. (I would also really recommend following their blog. It's also top notch.) So, maybe, one could ask for the Dottie book for a special present? :)
Some days the world is still made of lavender and crochet. I have a crocheted rock in my kitchen that I adore and satchels of lavender throughout my home.