4 September 2011 Journal Page
A small reminder that I'm teaching my La Petite Muse class THIS Sunday at Stampin From The Heart. I hope to see YOU there!
Did you know that Jetpens.com is having a contest? Today is the last day to enter. More info here.
I haven't had any Blog Love in a long time, so I thought I'd post some for the weekend:
How to Survive Late Summer Heat
Thanks to Lynne, I must have the book she mentions here.
Speaking of must have books...
Marjane Satrapi has a new book coming out! If you don't know who she is, head to your local library and look for Persepolis (get the comics and then rent the dvd.)
DIY tea bags
I want to bake this.
I want to eat this.
Send more Love Letters!
The Altered Page is hosting an Open Art Call!
Papier Valise is having a sale.
Danny Gregory is making AMAZING journal videos.
Remembering Dylan Williams:
A week ago the comics world suffered a great loss. Dylan Williams of Sparkplug Comics passed away. Some of you may remember me mentioning Sparkplug a few times on this blog. They published and distributed some of my family's most favorite comics. We looked forward to seeing them at San Diego Comic Con where we'd drop quite a few pennies at their booth (after having Dylan or Austin English recommend additional titles.) They're still taking and filling orders (please be patient with them at this most difficult time as they are doing the best they can.)
Comics Journal interviews Dylan Williams
Zak Sally
Theo Ellsworth
Nicole J. Georges
Tom Spurgeon's Collective Memory Post for Dylan
Some of my favorite Sparkplug comics:
Anything by Austin English
My Alaskan Summer
I was Born, But #2
Rock that Never Sleeps
The Airy Tales
Edison Steelhead's Lost Portfolio
Sleeper Car