3 September 2011 Journal Page

It's only been a week now since Tristan started High School. Tristan seems to have taken to his new schedule very quickly. I'm all messed up. I'm trying to get myself on some sort of schedule but nothing has worked out yet. Hopefully I'll figure something out soon. It's definitely an odd adjustment to go from having your child home daily for two years to having him gone for seven hours a day, five days a week. Some Mothers would crave it. I'm on the other side of the fence. I like having my boy around but I know I have to let go.

I've always said that keeping a journal is a great way not only to try new things and to document life experience but also to dialogue with oneself. Don't be afraid to ask yourself questions and then answer them on the pages. Play wth using color as mood and emotion. Find images that represent you and how you are feeling. Be open and free on your journal pages and the pages may offer you guidance, clarity and a glimpse of yourself that you had previously been unaware of.


Love your colorful stacks.
Just I made here a blog walkabout, I love your pages, very inspiring. I'll put you on my blogroll.
Have a nice day,
Anja from germany