Today's Score

Tristan, my Mom, Jack (my 1 year old nephew) and I trekked out to Concord, MA today. Yes, Thoreau and Walden Woods fame but also home to two of my most favorite antique shops:

Thoreauly Antiques

Nesting On Main

(The cooking/kitchen ware shop is awesome, as well!)

I managed to find some goodies (several old rubber stamps, the labels AND tickets to the Neponset Drive-in Theatre. I remember seeing Lady and the Tramp there as a kid in my pjs with paper bag popcorn!) I love walking and driving through the area as well. There's so much GREEN and so many trees, it just makes me happy. Then you start thinking about the writers, artists and the history of the area. So much history. So many stories to tell.

On the way back, we stopped in Dedham to bring my Dad dinner. By coincidence, there is a Paper Source right there. They just so happened to have the pink smash book I wanted. It was more expensive at Paper Source than at Ink About It (love the Mom and Pops) but I splurged any way. I didn't like the smash book tape so I passed on that. I did pick up a pack of tabs.

New York tomorrow, baby! Can't wait! There's still room in the classes this weekend. I hope to see YOU!


Judy Shea said…
Kelly..welcome back. I bet your classes were amazing.. I love Nesting in Concord.
Seth said…
I hope to see you TOO!
brigitte said…
i'm looking forward to your classes this weekend. i best go get my bag ready
Nicole Austin said…
great finds! i have the pink smashbook and i love it! the pen/gluestick is just pure genious!