Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Tristan and I are leaving tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon. I'll miss this little face. I'll miss his baby signs (my sister and brother in law are teaching him to sign). I'll miss how me pronounces bus (bus-sshhhh). I'll miss how he hung out with me and shared my cherries. I'll miss his wet baby kisses. I'll miss how he imitates Tristan.

I've been "on the road" for over a month now. I'm looking forward to some serious down time and lots of time with my husband! More art posts to follow (I have lots to share!)


Sandy said…
He is so adorable. I wish you both safe travels.
laurie said…
have a good trip back. traveling is exciting but going home is divine!
Lori Wostl said…
Babies are just the best aren't they? Especially when they belong to someone close, but not yours.
Barbara Hagerty said…
What a precious photo! He's adorable!