4 August 2011 Journal Page

I did this page last week while at the Art Unraveled hotel. I really like how simple it is yet it says everything I want it to say.

I'm all packed for my East Coast classes (three suitcases at or near 50 lbs!) I have one bag left for clothes and I'll be totally done!

A question for my students, when taking in person workshops, are you more interested in shorter workshops (say two hours) or longer workshops (4-6 hours). Why? Thanks!


Sandy said…
Love this page. If I were taking your in person workshops I'd love for it to be longer so I'd have more time for more information or more instruction. To me you learn more with more time. You may pay more for the longer classes but if an artist is going to be coming near you to teach something you really want the chance to learn it will be worth every penny to spend as much time as they're offering to sit there and learn.

I wish you were coming near me. When are people in the South going to get the hang of this? ;)
I like longer. When sharing the instructor the extra time is helpful.
Sharon W. said…
I prefer longer (full day) workshops. The energy needed to gather/pack supplies and travel to a workshop site are wasted on 2 hour sessions. Shorter sessions are often "shallow", covering simple techniques, and are too often project rather than process slanted, and they often appeal to beginners or casual participants. Too often they are more social than real artistic meetings. I do think there is a place for both workshop types, but right now--for me--the shorter sessions are not appealing.
Sharyn said…
Longer! It usually takes a litle while to get into a comfortable "groove" and in short 2 hour classes by the time you get there it's all over. With longer classes there is more time to work what you've just learned.
Desert Mermaid said…
Longer workshops in person, cuz I so so so rarely ever get to work with other artists/women, and really enjoy the 'community' of it all.

Kelly, are you considering in any way, shape, or form, teaching a workshop wherein no journal is constructed, but instead WORKED IN the entire time? i.e. journaling (written), mainly, with the option of adding ephemera, images, whatever?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks for your feedback, ladies!!

Sandy-I'm always looking for new places to teach! I'm open to going anywhere. :)

Desert Mermaid-
I've done several classes that are byoj! (I have over 400 classes.) Even some of my bookbinding classes, the focus isn't 100% on making the journal but a container (journal) for our process and journey so the construction is made quick and easy and the focus is on working on the pages.

Hope this makes sense. I just woke up. Lol

Tricia said…
Definetely longer.......I like to be in that 4-6 hour space as there is soo much to learn and try.
Your two day class was the bomb!
I LOVE this page you made..it's WONDERFUL!!

I would prefer longer workshops, since it will give me more time to experiment what I had learned, to have more time to share with the instructor and solve my doubts and also more time to share with other wonderful people and share experiences.
Susan said…
I was in your Friday and Saturday classes in Fort Collins. I like the longer classes, because it gives me time to mull over your concepts, then try them out, then rework, if necessary. It's a very valuable process for art journaling!