24 August 2011 Journal Page

So much for a vacation before school begins!!! We've been running around trying to get various things done including registering Tristan for school. I never knew that so much work could go into just trying to get a kid enrolled in a local public high school. Fingers crossed we'll have that done tomorrow and that he gets into the program he is interested in!!

We're also on the road to braces. They made a mold of his mouth today. He walked out of the office looking like he had been eating frosting. Too funny.

I haven't forgotten about the pens and the book that I mentioned in previous posts. I want to do a proper review for both and not something half-assed!

Thanks for the interest in Shared Visions. I'm going to link back to it soon so there's no rush on when you participate! If you can't do it now, you can still print the picture out and do it down the road. Just let me know that you're interested.

Happy Wednesday, folks!!


anandaink said…
Oh wow, school will be a big change for you all, won't it? Am I correct in remembering that you normally homeschool?

Best wishes to you both for a stellar school year. My son will be in 3rd grade this year, which I hear is an important year, when it shifts from part fun/part academic to mostly academic. Eeep. Is this when kids who love school start seeing it as a chore? lol

- Arika
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Arika,

We only homeschooled (through CAVA, an online program) for middle school (7th and 8th). He went to LAUSD from K-6th. I would have sent him to a local middle school but we didn't have many options and I wasn't happy with his assigned school (nor was he.) We are excited about high school as they have quite a few film programs and that is what he is most interested in studying (though if they offered Lego as a class, he'd jump on it.)

I remember 2nd grade being more academic for him and we were very lucky that he had such good and caring teachers for preschool through 4th. (I did not like his 5th grade teacher and neither did he.) I hope it goes well for your child this year.

My main point with home schooling him was to try to teach him to love learning. I wanted him to express an interest in the world around him and not worry about learning for a grade or a test. It didn't work (he doesn't like school).

I am hoping that he is like I was at that age. I was interested in only learning what was important to me. I could have happily spent my days reading and drawing. I did read the newspaper from a young age, though. Yet when it came to homework and school, I wasn't interested. Test taking made me miserable.

When I got to college, things changed. I wanted to learn yet still on my own terms. I still hated tests and grades.

As an adult, I have an insatiable appetite for knowledge, information and life experience. I am most interested in studying history now (as a kid I thought it was boring) especially when I can relate to the person. If my teachers had presented history, science and math in a way that I could relate to it, it would've been easier and more interesting for me. Instead I found it boring and a chore. I had no problem with reading though and would read everything I could get my hands on.

Here's to a good year for both of our kids!!
anandaink said…

It can be such a mess to wade through the public school system trying to find a way for our kid to get the education that would best suit them. I'll probably be doing a lot of that myself this year.

I was the sort of kid that loved school, whereas my DH was not. We always hoped Sean would take after me in that respect, and so far, so good. But I think most kids enjoy the first few years of elementary school, where there's still a lot of play mixed in with the learning. (Too bad that sense of fun rarely extends past 3rd grade!)

How cool that Tristan is interested in film! I have 2 cousins, who are sisters, in the industry. One started off as an assistant (basically a errand runner!) for a few TV shows, and produces documentaries with a small company now. The other works as an art director for big budget films. They both LOVE what they do. The first sister went to school for film and got the other sister into the industry.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Arika,

It's difficult especially when there's so many budget cuts and the schools are short staffed. Last week registration was a nightmare. He wasn't happy with yesterday and I'm really hoping that it gets better for him. I didn't like school either. I totally agree, I wish that they could make it more interesting and more identifiable to the kids but that's not what school's about.

Your cousins are very lucky!! We picked the high school that Tristan is at because they are supposed to have a stellar film program. I have fingers crossed. :) He's made many, many stop motion lego animated films the last few years. If he could go to school for Lego, film and comics, he'd be all set. LOL!!! ;)