Having fun in Fremont

Fun, messy art making. Yeah, baby!

Yes. This is my table.


anandaink said…
I want to dive headfirst into the Staz-on. And the pens. But mostly the Staz-on!
Sandy said…
I want to sit at your table!
Sarah Martin said…
You should have seen me looking very closly and taking note of your supplies. LOVE your stuff. I'm a new reader and can't wait read more from you!
julie said…
The classes on Friday were great! Thank You, Kelly!
laurie said…
every horizontal space in my house looks like that sometimes!!!
The messy table is part of the big-time fun but I get frustrated at home in my smaller space.
The messy table is part of the fun in your workshops, Kelly. It's my small home messy table that drives me nuts when I can't find anything.