Dad's Good...

Dad's out of surgery, on blood thinners and will be leaving the hospital in a few hours. Thanks everyone who expressed concern. I'll have another blog post soon!


Anonymous said…
glad your Dad is doing well!!
missy from the bayou
Desert Mermaid said…
whew. VERY glad to hear that.
Tricia said…
Thats Great news! Now you can sigh with relief!
Wishing you a good day!
smokeysmom said…
Best wishes and prayers for your Dad. My Mum went through two of these operations and came threw with flying colors, so will your Dad.

As for your friends blog, she has 23 Followers, and, if she posted more frequently, I'm sure she'd have more. Her posts are like every other month. I liked her art though wished she'd show more:)
Monica said…
It is very worrying. They seem to have this kind of surgery very organized and I am continually surprised at how quickly people are well and out and about. Good vibes for quick recovery
Cathy Graves said…
So glad your Dad is doing well! Tell him a positive attitude is the best revenge!!(ie. medicine!!)
cathy Graves said…
I checked out your friend's blog and have to say that I agree with smokeysmom--I really liked her journal pages but she needs to post more often. One of the reasons you are such a successful blogger (besides your awesome journal pages) is because you post every day. When ever I hit the blogs I can always depend on you to have posted something--even if it's just a short post. I like knowing you're always out there!! I think blogging is alot of work and I thank you and commend you for keeping up with it! I know I couldn't do what you do so thanks to you and every one else who has the guts to put themselves out there!!
Pat Quilty said…
sorry to hear about your Dad, but now happy he is doing well. good thing you are going home shortly, he will be glad to see you.
see you on a Sat, morn in Aug.
Seth said…
Great to hear Kelly. You all must be so relieved. Healing thoughts still being sent.
Sandy said…
So glad your Dad is doing well, I missed the post before this one. I hope he continues to do well. I'll keep him in my prayers.
Marylinn Kelly said…
I missed seeing the post about your dad and am glad to hear he is doing well. All best thoughts with all your family. xo