Bringing Home the Goods (or What I Bought at San Diego Comic-Con)

As far as swag goes, I have one Peanuts pin; a ton of Cowboys and Aliens t-shirts, posters and wristbands; Conan the Barbarian t-shirt and several postcards. David and I bought several books together from Sunday Press, Drawn and Quarterly, Fantagraphics and Bud Plant (he has those squirreled away in boxes. I'll post the picture when he takes it.) Tristan is the King of Swag and Buying Very Little (he spent $25 on an Adventure Time toy and $15 on the new Owly hardcover for his cousin.) I didn't spend a lot either. Here's what I bought:

From Mark Murphy/Murphy Design:

Cathie Bleck's Becoming
the Green Day Project
This Train: an Artist's Journal by Tony Fitzpatrick

Mark Murphy publishes and curates the best books on the planet. I always look for his publications because they are top notch. I love the artwork and I own every single thing he's ever published. Visit his site and make sure you check out his website and his blog (it's one of the best around.)

From EFA (Eidolon Fine Arts):

Barron Storey re: sex (an exhibit catalog for his upcoming show at Bert Green Fine Arts in L.A.

Visit: for more info

(See my previous post on Barron above. I also have some posts from previous years of SDCC on Barron that I will try to link to asap.)

The Fisherman and His Soul by Shelly Wan

Minion: a Collection of Drawings by Joao Russ

Visit Eidolon Fine Arts for more info on the artists that they carry:

More San Diego Comic Con posts to follow. I'm still posting pictures on my SDCC tumblr blog, too:


A'n'G Johnson said…
its seems as though you had a lot of fun! So glad you enjoyed it