Before Journal Page

Having an awesome time teaching for Christine at the Artists' Nook at Scrap 2 It in Fort Collins, CO. I always love teaching here. This is my tenth year teaching for Christine. This will be Christine's last year of hostessing workshops. We're all going to miss her hostessing but she will be keeping busy with her own classes and art related activites so make sure that you get on her mailing list.

I left my journal (that's when you know I'm tired) in the store so I'll have the after shot of this page tomorrow.)



Lori Wostl said…
I had a great time in your class today! Wish I could stay the entire weekend! Is there room if my schedule changes?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, Lori! Yes, there's still room in the rest of the classes. :) Hope to see you...

Robyn P. Thayer said…
Thanks for a high powered class on Friday, I woke up and started working on some more pages. I am on to ordering tapes! ;)
sara said…
Kelly - Thank you SO much for an amazing first class experience. Seriously - I am in LOVE with your classes! I had tons of fun yesterday and today and look forward to seeing you again in the morning for the final hurrah! Thanks for all of your help and guidance, you've taught me a lot!

The Problem Child. ;)