28 July 2011 Journal Page

Here's my finished page from the other day. I journaled about Comic Con.

Having a great time teaching in Colorado. It'll be hard to say goodbye tomorrow!

We're heading to Santa Fe tomorrow night (on our way to AZ.) Any suggestions? I am thinking the Georgia O'Keefe museum and Stampa Fe. I'm open to ideas! Thanks!!


Sandy said…
Great page. Glad the classes are going great. Colorado is beautiful, I bet it's even more beautiful in the summer. We were there last November and it was so pretty then to me.

I hope you have a safe trip home.
tgarrett said…
Kelly- The international folk art museum on the edge of town is amazing.
Emie58 said…
Lovely page!!! Don't know of any suggestions for Santa Fe... I'd love to visit there one day. Have a safe trip!!!
Monica said…
Santa Fe is a favorite. The farmers market at the old railway yard has an art show Saturday.
Coyote Cafe is the best for lunch.
El Rancho Golondrinas is worth a trip.
Jane Sauer gallery is my favorite,652 canyon Road.
Inspired Mermaid said…
I like the lady on the left she is comic strip worthy!!! see you in Scottsdale!
Feelthelovedivadivineart.blogspot.com you can now follow my blog since i put a widget on there duuuuhhhhhh! does technology make you a better artist?