15 July 2011 Journal Page

I had a great weekend teaching. Huge thanks to the stores and my wonderful students.

Looks like Los Angelenos survived Carmageddon. It was like a holiday in L.A. The roads were empty! Loved it!

Head on over to my friend, Roseann's blog and help me to convince her that she has more than two readers (she damn well should have a bunch as she is one of the most honest journal artists I know!):


I'd appreciate any good thoughts thrown in the direction of my Dad early Monday morning. He's going in for surgery tomorrow and we're not sure what they will do-if it's a case of him getting meds, a stint or a full blown bypass. Fingers crossed that he will be okay no matter what.


Debbie said…
Kelly, I'm sending lots of good energy to your Dad...and to you & the rest of your family...for a positive outcome.
Raine said…
Consider it done, Sweetie! Let me know how it goes for your dad.
Tricia said…
I checked out your friends blog! SUPERB!
Anonymous said…
Hope your dads ok. Going to visit your friends blog now x