13 July 2011 Journal Page

My finished page from the other day.

I think that I linked to this before, but in case I didn't, check out Carolee Gilligan Wheeler's Being Human zine (available as a free pdf):

All prepped and ready for this weekend's classes! Also finished writing my last two handouts for my summer classes. Yay! Slowly but surely I'm getting things done. Baby steps (like I've mentioned before with finding time to make art, take baby steps!) Ten minutes here and there add up!


Barb Smith said…
Baby steps for both of us, I see. :)
Peace & Love,
Sandy said…
I love these papers on your page and the hands of course. Thanks for the link. So true and I need to remember that some times. I read more than I'm online though. I'm glad your prep is going well and I know you're getting ready for the busy time. I hope it all goes great for you.
Barbara Hagerty said…
Thank you for the link to the zine! I'm going to pass it along through a link on my blog, too! XOXO