My Version of Pissaladiere

Last night I felt like making something new. Whenever it's a weekend where I'm not teaching, I usually get the urge to cook something different. I didn't have a ton of ingredients, but I had enough.

I made everyone a simple spinach salad with strawberries, cherries, almonds and flax seeds.

The main course was a tart. I followed the recipe in Christine Ingram's Vegetarian and Vegetable Cooking. It didn't say how long to cook the pie part, so I kept checking it until it was golden brown. It took at least an hour to bake. (That was okay as I was listening to Henry Rollins on kcrw the whole time).

Pre-heat oven to 375°

To bake the pie-
2 cups all purpose flour (I like unbleached)
8 tablespoons butter (I like unsalted)
8+ teaspoons of water (again, she didn't specify in the book), I slowly added water until a dough formed.

Start with the flour and butter. Chop the butter into small pieces. Mix with flour until it becomes crumb like. Add water to mixture until dough begins to form.

Place the above mixture in a 9" pie pan. Shape it into a pie. Cover with waxed paper. Weigh down with dried beans.

Cook until golden brown. Last five minutes, remove the beans and waxed paper.

For the filling, I sauteed olive oil, onions, peppers, tomatoes, one can of tomato paste, various herbs and garlic in a pan on low while the pie baked. You can add any veggies, and meat if you're inclined (we're all veggies).

Let pie cool for a short bit (I waited about 5-10 minutes) before spooning the "filling" in. Serve hot.

I'm looking forward to making more of these with whatever veggies I have on hand this summer. It's so good and easy with a small salad.

Class was great today. I know I say it often, but I really do have the best students!!!

Any favorite weekend veggie recipes (or dessert) that you want to share?


Monica said…
It is too hot here to use oven so I make a pizza dough in my food processor that cook on grill. your ingredients will make a delicious topping.
Debbie said…
Your recipe looks yummy...I'll have to give it a try.
My all time favorite veggie recipe is actually a go-to recipe year round. It's Spinach Pasta Sauce. Take a 1-lb. bag of frozen spinach, and heat it in a non-stick pot until it is soft . You can add a bit of butter for flavor. As the spinach is thawing, put on your favorite pasta shape & get those cooking...we like the little bow ties with this. Once the spinach is cooking & the pasta is almost done, add a 15-oz. carton of ricotta cheese to the spinach & stir it in to start the sauce. Thin with some milk or half & half to the consistancy you like. Add grated Parmesan to taste. AFTER you add the Parmesan, add any extra salt, if desired, & some freshly cracked black pepper & a generous grating of nutmeg...I use whole nutmeg for the best flavor, grated on a microplane grater. Do not let the sauce boil. but keep at a lower temp so it does not curdle. You can serve the sauce over the drained pasta, or mix it all together.

If you serve the sauce separately, any leftover sauce can be used in a quiche or as a filling for crepes another day.