How I Spent My Weekend

What you don't see is my time spent:

-Working on my new and upcoming classes

-Reading various books, internet, emails and more- lots of reading

-Writing and researching: my handout for my new two day class, Personal Mythologies (debuts in a week!)

-Answering: emails

-Cooking: pancakes, soup, grilled cheese, rice and veggies and spaghetti.

-Watching: Last Year at Marienbad, Hollywood (a documentary on silent films by Brownlow and Gill), Burns & Allen

-Playing: Wii with Tristan (his Aunt and Uncle spoiled him with a surprise this weekend)

-Making: Art (three journal pages)

-Talking: lots of discussions with David and Tristan,phone calls, emails and text messages with my sister, my parents and my cousin, Andrea

-Cleaning off the dining room table

-Arranging my studio area (putting up the little toys that I collect and haven't been able to put up until the blinds were put up)

I hope that whatever you did, wherever you are that it was a very good weekend for you.


Sandy said…
Wow you got a lot done this weekend. That's great.
Barb Smith said…
My gawd at all the things you accomplish in two days. I feel lucky to get that much done in a full 7 day week! lol
Peace & Love,