26 January 2011 Journal Page

A quickie post for now. I had plans to write up something longer and inspiring, but it's been a busy (but productive) day. Our landlord is replacing our 16+ year old fridge (we think it's wayyy older than that because it seemed ancient when we first moved in here in '96.) I've spent the day cleaning the kitchen. I haven't even begun to think about cleaning out the refrigerator and defrosting it (we always need to defrost it as it builds up ice very quickly). I sorted through a ton of stuff (art bags and the like tossed next to the fridge, cleaned the top of the fridge, reorganized and gave everything a thorough cleaning). Am I the only one with art supplies stored in their own spaces in the kitchen? ;) I'm sore and tired but the kitchen is clean and it will be well worth it on Wednesday! I just hope that it actually comes on Wednesday and that there aren't any problems. Fingers crossed.

Happy Saturday! I'm off to listen to Henry Rollins on kcrw!


Arika said…
I can't say that I have art supplies in the kitchen, but seeing as I store mine in the laundry room, I won't judge! There's a small built-in desk that I'm currently using as my art table in there. (Sounds like a fine set-up, until I add that the cat's litter box is also in the laundry. Great incentive to keep the litter box clean!) I keep my stash/supplies in there, and do backgrounds and collage at the table. Then I do the rest of my pages sitting on the floor in the living room, using the coffee table.

I'm actually planning on getting an art table and putting it in a nook in the kitchen in a few weeks. I've been waiting for DH to get back from deployment so he can put the table together. Then, I too will be able to say that I store art supplies in the kitchen! lol
Sandy said…
pretty colorful page. Love the peace sign. Is it a sticker? I hope they come on the right day and you get the new fridge. Nothing more annoying than a service company that is late by hours must less days. We have lives too, they should respect that. Hope Sunday is relaxing and you don't have any cleaning so you can create something pretty.
Kelly Kilmer said…
The little peace signs are stickers.
Lol, it's not the service guys that I am worried about but the building management. It took us over a month to get new blinds that they kept telling us were coming... I don't know what we'll do if they play that game with a refrigerator as Edison is picking up the old one Wednesday morning.

Arika, I wish I had a laundry room! Lol!!

Most of the art supplies I have stashed in various places are for my classes. I wouldn't need this much stuff if I didn't teach. ;)
Arika said…
Kelly- we usually opt to live in base housing, so we get what we get! This unit is actually HUGE, the largest we've lived in since DH joined, at 1600 square feet.

Our smallest was 800 sq. feet. Ugh. That was a miserable, cramped 5 months for me, the DH, the kid, and the cat. My apartment when I was single, living alone, was 30 square ft. bigger than that!

OH well. As I tell my 8-yr-old, you get what you get and you're grateful for it!
Pat Quilty said…
I have my stuff all over my house. I am a widow and my kids are gone so it really does not matter. There is even shelving a supplies in the bathrm, every bedroom, living room, dining and I took over one end of my kitchen for my work area. Even that has storage. Oh well..at least I am having fun. Perhaps I have too many interests and/or supplies. :)
Hopefully your new fridge will arrive Kelly.
Kelly Kilmer said…
We live in a small, one bedroom apartment. Tristan has the bedroom. We're in the living room.
I wish we could have our own washing machine instead of sharing the one downstairs. One of our neighbors has been using this horrible white powdered detergent that gets on all of our clothes no matter what I do. She is ALWAYS using the machines. (We think she washes other people's clothes as one of her jobs). It's infuriating, though, to have clothes come out of the wash dirtier than when they went in! So I dream of a laundry room. ;) lol

I am quite thankful to have a roof over our heads. ;)