15 February 2011 Journal Page

We all trekked to the movies again today. Tristan REALLY wanted to see Transformers and since he's been saving the passes that we've had since Christmas, I figured it was okay. I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than go to see Crapformers (especially after I sat through the first one UGH), so he went and saw that while David and I went to see Midnight in Paris (yes, I saw it a second time. David hadn't seen it. I'm buying it when it comes out on blu-ray.) We both loved it. If you haven't seen it yet, go. Don't look up anything about it before you go, but go. We snuck into the last 20 minutes of Transformers (there were 6 people in the theater). I need eye bleach and I really want that 20 minutes of my life back. Ugh, ugh and double ugh.

I'm teaching Friday-Sunday of this weekend (Fri at Zinnia in So Pasadena and Sat/Sun at Stampin From The Heart in L.A. with a new two day class) so if I'm not quick to respond to email, you know why. There's still room in all of the classes. Next weekend I'm trekking to Fremont, CA for three NEW workshops. I'm encouraging people to sign up asap so I can prep enough materials and supplies for the weekend.

Blog Love:
La-De-Dah presents My Moho Monthly! Head on over to see who her featured artist for July is!

Seth over at The Altered Page is starting the latest installment of The Pulse on Sunday, July 3rd. More here.

The Paper Studio is having a sale this weekend. More here.

Last but not least, if you're going to Comic Con, sorry, no Marvel panel in Hall H this year.


Tricia said…
Nice interview Kelly!
Seth said…
Thanks Kelly for getting the word out about The Pulse!
Sandy said…
Another great page and loved the interview.