14 February 2011 Journal Page

I finished typing up my big handout for this weekend's Personal Mythologies class. I'm bouncing off the wall I'm so excited about teaching it (I always get jazzed about new classes).

This is one of my favorite pages. I know the words are something that I say often, but I really do mean them. I loved playing with my pens on this page (especially the funky outline letters and then coloring them in) and FILLING the page with my words, thoughts and feelings. It's a lot better than letting it bubble up in your head.


Lori Wostl said…
Yep, my head always melts when I let in bubble inside. LOL. Lori W at Art Camp for Women
Sandy said…
Great page. Love your lettering. I hope your class goes well, I know it will and hope all the students have a blast.
iHanna said…
I agree with you Kelly, it's a beautiful page, love your style. Hope you're having a great summer!
Tricia said…
Super excited about class this weekend! Two whole days to play! Cant wait to see what you have in store for us! Love the lettering..teach me.......you know how much I dont like my handwriting (ohm! let me embrace my handwriting......trying :)
See saturday