Teaching in Fremont, CA July 8-10th, 2011

I am very happy to announce that I will be teaching three NEW workshops at a private studio in Fremont, CA July 8-10th. Sign ups are open to the public!

Interested in signing up? Questions? Please email Kelly for more info! EGorey99@sbcglobal.net

Payments for the Fremont, CA workshop must be made in advance. Due to the fact that the teacher is traveling from Los Angeles and must prep for the workshops in advance, there are no cancellations allowed. No refunds.

You may send someone else in your place if you are unable to attend the workshop, or you will receive a kit for the class. You can either pay via paypal (see button below) or send a check or money order.

Once you've signed up for the workshop, you will be sent the address and directions to the workshop location. If you have ANY questions you can email me. I will also give you my cell phone number so you contact me.

The Schedule is:

Friday, July 8th
FUNdamentals of Texture 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
followed by
Layers of Color from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Special two day class Saturday, July 9th and Sunday, July 10th
Saturday Class hours are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sunday class hours are 9 a.m. to Noon
Personal Mythologies
To sign up, please use the paypal button here or you can email me at Egorey99@sbcglobal.net for more info
I hope to see you there!

Fremont July 2011 Classes

Class Descriptions:

Friday, July 8th (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)
FUNdamentals of Texture
Who says that you can only use paint to create texture? In this class you will create a multitude of backgrounds (sans paint) while exploring hands on various texture techniques. Be prepared to layer, learn and have fun in this with a variety of mediums. The possibilities are endless and I will teach you everything I know while putting the FUN in the fundamentals of texture!
Supply list: journal (or the instructor will have paper for you to work on), scissors, small selection of favorite collage ephemera, bone folder, cork back metal ruler, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels, permanent black inkpad, container to hold water, 1" brushes to glue (I like chip or bristle brushes), a few of your favorite glue sticks
followed by (from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.)

Layers of Color
I’m an artist obsessed with color! We will dive glue stick first into a visual delight of color. Think you’ve seen it all? Experiment while you create lusciously layered pages. Learn what works, what doesn’t and how to fix so called mistakes (there are no mistakes, only learning opportunities!). This workshop will expand your knowledge of color!
Supply list: journal (or the instructor will have paper for you to work on), scissors, small selection of favorite collage ephemera, bone folder, cork back metal ruler, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels, permanent black inkpad, container to hold water, 1" brushes to glue (I like chip or bristle brushes), a few of your favorite glue sticks
Saturday, July 9th 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
and Sunday, July 10th 9 a.m. to Noon (I know it's early, but it will be worth it! Trust me!)

Personal Mythologies
Every time we crack open a journal, we are telling our own unique story.
In this very special two day workshop, you will learn not only how to create your very own personal journal made by your own hands but also how to express yourself fully and in the moment upon the pages of your newly bound book.
You will work in your journal both days. I will be teaching you a variety of techniques, ideas and prompts to use in your journal. You will have lots of instructional time but also between each idea, I allow for guided play time, but I do teach both days. The second day is not a play day.
Expect to learn: bookbinding and constructing a personal journal, choosing a journal that fits you, making a journal your own, mixed media collage, composition, design, pen work, layering, journaling, self expression (how do I say what I want to say), making a page work and much, much more.
Be prepared to walk out with a new journal, several pages completed, a detailed handout and your head (and heart) bursting with inspiration, new ideas, possibilities and the knowledge that you can successfully express yourself in journal form! You will love this journal and this experience!
Supply list: A hardcover book (any size) to use as the journal (note, we will be tearing pages out of our books and sharing some of our pages in class). I will have some books for you to use, but in case you have a book you’d really like to use, please bring it. Scissors, small selection of favorite collage ephemera, bone folder, cork back metal ruler, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels, permanent black inkpad, container to hold water, 1" brushes to glue (I like chip or bristle brushes), a few of your favorite glue sticks


Anonymous said…
Those classes all look awesome! I am going to see if I can make it happen! I live in Monterey, CA so it's not super close but still doable! When do you have to sign up by?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thank you!! :) I usually ask people to sign up within 2 weeks of the class so I make sure that I have enough supplies, etc... also to ensure that the class doesn't end up getting canceled or sold out. ;)
I will take signups up until the day of the class though that makes it hard to plan at times.
Desert Mermaid said…
personal mythologies! whoa, great great great idea! I've spent considerable time over the years working on my personal symbology, but mythology is an opportunity to create STORY (writing!) awesome!